球迷會周年晚宴AFFCHK Annual Dinner 2023

August 9, 2023

香港阿根廷足球球迷會一年一度嘅周年晚宴完滿成功!今年好榮幸邀請到現任阿根廷駐港總領事 Mr.Gonzalo Sabate 首次出席我地嘅活動。晚宴期間我地亦頒發左一啲獎項同剪輯咗個人球王片俾足球隊嘅成員, 以慰勞佢地呢一年嘅努力以及貢獻。

最重要係感謝我地贊助商 Chiller, 九鬼居酒屋Fruity Concepts Limited,有佢地嘅支持,足球隊先至可以換到新波衫,晚宴先至有咁多禮物俾大家抽獎。

The annual dinner of Argentina Football Fan Club (Hong Kong) was a great success! This year, we were honored to have Mr. Gonzalo Sabate, the current Consul General of Argentina in Hong Kong, attend our event for the first time. During the banquet, we also presented some awards and edited a highlight reel for the members of the football team to recognize their hard work and contributions over the past year.

Most importantly, we want to express our gratitude to our sponsors, Chiller, Kuki Izakaya, and Fruity Concepts Limited. With their support, the football team was able to get new jerseys, and the banquet had so many gifts for everyone to win in the lucky draw.

現任阿根廷駐港總領事 Mr.Gonzalo Sabate與球迷會管理團隊

The current Consul General of Argentina in Hong Kong, Mr. Gonzalo Sabate, with the fan club management team


President and head coach Zen with the award-winning team members

最佳防守-斯朗(左)與副領隊 Eddie

Best Defender - Selong with vice coach Eddie


Best Attacker - Ka Chun with vice coach Eddie


Best Progress - Tiger with vice coach Eddie


MVP - Chung with the President and head coach Zen